Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Are you still needing to turn in a Digital Image Permission Form so you can also appear on the blog?

Here are images of the permission slip you may print out and turn it in to your classroom teacher with your parent or guardian's signature.

AB Patterns!

Watch and listen as a first grade class sings and chants a poem to show the differences between the A section (part of the song "One Little Elephant") and the B section (the poem "Big and Small").

The Little Mice All Scamper

Here are some kindergarteners pretending to be mice scampering or running away from the "Old Gray Cat" in class. They are working on demonstrating the differences between fast and slow sounds and movements in music.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Here are some fourth graders expressing their excitement with playing ostinatos with the song "Ghostbusters." Students rotated through different groups to play different rhythmic patterns on rhythm sticks, maracas, drums, and tambourines.

Friday, October 3, 2014

I Have..., Who Has?

Here is a quick picture of fifth graders studying their cards to play the game "I Have..., Who Has?" to practice identifying orchestral instruments and their families.

Playing Ostinatos

Here are some fifth graders performing ostinatos on xylophones for their class to accompany the song "Mi Gallo," a Latin American folk song about a rooster.